die Aussprache
nur Singular


definitely; certainly

That isn't enough.

I am interested (in)...


Best regards

I would like to know...

Could you perhaps tell me where the train station is?

einen Kurs besuchen
besucht, besuchte, hat besucht

to take a course

etwas nach|sehen
sieht nach, sah nach, hat nachgesehen

to have a look; to check; to look up something

etwas schaffen
schafft, schaffte, hat geschafft

to manage something

self; onself

worry; concern

etwas verbessern
verbessert, verbesserte, hat verbessert

to correct, to improve

to agree on something; to arrange something

What about...?/What's up with...?

Do you perhaps know where the train station is?

witziger, am witzigsten
