Attention, bank robbery!

DEUTSCHKURSE | Harry-Folge-062-Landeskunde-Bild
null DW

During a bank robbery, Anna, a police officer, is caught in a time warp. If you think such robberies only happen on TV, then you wouldn't be completely wrong. The number of bank robberies in Germany has been steadily decreasing for several years. Still, real-life robberies, such as the one that occurred in Karlsruhe in the winter of 2010, continue to grab the public's attention. Shortly after a successful bank robbery in the center of Karlsruhe, the perpetrators were confronted by police. In the ensuing gunfight, both bank robbers died and a policewoman was seriously injured. The perpetrators were the infamous Gentlemen Offenders, a couple that had committed 21 bank robberies in 15 years. They had hauled in a good €2 million! In their first robberies, the bank robbers apologized by letter and returned stolen items like car keys, hence the name Gentlemen Offenders.

Back in 1929, there were already gentlemen crooks in Germany: the Sass brothers from a working-class neighborhood in Berlin. They once dug a tunnel for weeks to get to a bank's vault. They opened the vault with what was then cutting-edge technology (a blowtorch!) and stole about 2 million Reichsmarks. According to the story, some of this money ended up in the mailboxes of poor neighbors.