File XY... unsolved

DEUTSCHKURSE | Harry-Folge-064-Landeskunde-Bild
null DW

If Anna and Harry wanted to know who searched Anderson's office, they could hand the case over to "Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst" or "File XY... unsolved." Viewers of this crime TV show have helped solve cases since 1967. In each episode, four to five crimes are re-enacted. Real evidence and mug shots are also shown. The police collect information from the audience. In 42 percent of the cases, viewer tips have helped solve a crime. This figure is quite remarkable because it's generally the hopeless cases that end up on Aktenzeichen XY … ungelöst.

Such crime shows may seem perfectly normal today, but it was the world's first in 1967. Although searches had been conducted by showing sketched images of suspects, this TV show combined cinematic elements and the public's help. By the sixth broadcast, the first murder case had already been solved with viewers' help. The show's creators have now established a prize for civil courage. The award, worth €10,000, is given out annually to citizens whose brave actions protect their fellow citizens from crime.