Deine Deutschprüfung

Information on accessible examinations

Individuals with disabilities may take an accessible examination. There are a few things to keep in mind when registering for such a modified test. For instance, a medical certificate is usually required.

An individual with a hearing aid in their left ear sits in front of a laptop while holding a cellphone in their hand. (Source: iStock )

Medical certificate

A medical certificate detailing the type and severity of a person's disability is generally needed to register for an accessible examination. Test providers frequently do not accept a "Schwerbehindertenausweis" (identity card for a person with a disability).

The following disabilities are commonly mentioned by test providers when providing accessible examinations:

  • Sight and hearing impairments
  • Motor impairments
  • Dyslexia
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
  • Speech impairments

A medical certificate that is no more than two years old is usually required. A certificate that is no more than five years old is usually required for the TestDaF. 

All providers accept medical certificates in German or English. A medical certificate in another language must be submitted with a certified translation done by a professional translator. The Swiss fide test also accepts medical certificates in French or Italian.



The registration deadline for an accessible examination may be earlier than the officially listed deadline since the testing centers need time to prepare the respective tests. For example, preparation for tests written in braille can take up to six months. It is, therefore, a good idea to get information well in advance from your chosen testing center or directly from the test provider.

The TestDaF-Institut also offers a special online registration for individuals with disabilities.

People taking tests offered by the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) should inquire directly at the ÖIF central office to discuss details regarding an accessible examination. 


Examination conditions

Possible exam modifications will be individually discussed during registration. An agreement will then be reached and typically put in writing.

The following modifications are frequently offered:

  • Large text or text in braille
  • Louder audio clips
  • Videos in sign language or with lip reading
  • Assistive technology, e.g., PC with screen reader, headphones
  • Assistive individuals who, for example, translate audio texts into sign language or write for individuals with motor impairments
  • Longer time allowances
  • Additional breaks
  • Taking the test alone in a separate room
  • Omitting part of the examination

If none of these modifications is appropriate, joint consideration will be given to how the examination conditions could be individually modified. It is possible that a specific testing center cannot offer the necessary conditions. In this case, other possible testing centers where the examination could be taken will be discussed.

Testing conditions agreed upon at registration are binding. Last-minute changes are not typically possible.



The provider typically covers the costs associated with implementing the agreed-upon examination conditions. In other words: The exam fees remain the same. However, exceptions are possible. These would be clarified in initial discussions.


Information on accessible examinations from various individual providers


This article is also available in German under the menu selection "Language."

(Information as of June 2023)

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