
Numbers from 11 to 19

The numbers 11 and 12 are irregular.

From 13, the formation of the numbers is mostly regular. In German, the order of numbers is opposite to that in English. First comes the single digit (e.g. drei, vier, fünf...) and then the ten (zehn):

Diagram of the grammar problem
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The numbers 16 and 17 are slightly irregular. The single digits (sechs, sieben) lose their endings.

11   elf
12   zwölf
13 drei + zehn dreizehn
14 vier + zehn vierzehn
15 fünf + zehn fünfzehn
16 sechs + zehn sechzehn
17 sieben + zehn siebzehn
18 acht + zehn achtzehn
19 neun + zehn neunzehn