Numbers from 20 to 100

With numbers over 20, the single digit comes first, and then the multiple of ten. There are two special features to note:

  • The number eins loses the -s when it is combined with a ten.
  • There is an und between the single digit and the multiple of ten.
Diagram of the grammar problem
null DW
21 einundzwanzig
22 zweiundzwanzig
23 dreiundzwanzig
24 vierundzwanzig
25 fünfundzwanzig
26 sechsundzwanzig
27 siebenundzwanzig
28 achtundzwanzig
29 neunundzwanzig
30 dreißig


The full multiple of ten is usually formed from the single digit + -zig. But there are some exceptions: 10, 20, 30, 60 and 70 have an irregular form.

10 zehn
20 zwanzig
30 dreißig
40 vierzig
50 fünfzig
60 sechzig
70 siebzig
80 achtzig
90 neunzig
100 einhundert (short form: hundert)


You can form all the numbers from 21 to 99 from the following elements:

(1) ein-
(2) zwei-
(3) drei-
(4) vier-
(5) fünf-
(6) sechs-
(7) sieben-
(8) acht-
(9) neun-

-zwanzig (20)
-dreißig (30)

-vierzig (40)
-fünfzig (50)
-sechzig (60)
-siebzig (70)
-achtzig (80)
-neunzig (90)