Sentence construction: subordinate clauses (2)

Subordinate clauses with two verbs or two verb parts

In a main clause (declarative clause), the conjugated verb is the second idea. But when we form a subordinate
clause, the conjugated verb "migrates" to the end of the subordinate clause:


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That means ...

... with modal verbs:
The conjugated modal verb is at the end, after the infinitive.
Nicos Eltern sind wütend, weil er nicht mehr studieren will.

... in the present perfect tense:
The conjugated form of haben or sein is at the end, after the past participle.
Nico freut sich, weil Yara ihm ein Fahrrad geschenkt hat.

... for separable verbs:
The prefix of the separable verb is not separated. The complete verb is at the end of the sentence and is conjugated:
Nicos Eltern sind sauer, weil er nicht zurückkommt.