The past participle

Revision: the past participle

The past participle of regular verbs ends in -(e)t.

The past participle of irregular verbs usually ends in -en.

For most verbs, the past participle begins with ge-. Some verbs which make the past participle without ge- are:

  • Verbs that end in -ieren
  • Verbs with inseparable prefixes, i.e., be-, ent-, er-, ver-, zer-

In separable verbs, the -ge- comes between the prefix and the verb stem.


Examples: regular verbs

Infinitive Past participle
stürzen ge-stürz-t
passieren passier-t
aufwachen auf-ge-wach-t


Examples: irregular verbs

Infinitive Past participle
liegen ge-leg-en
verstehen verstand-en
mitnehmen mit-ge-nomm-en