The right roses

DEUTSCHKURSE | Harry-Folge-098-Landeskunde-Bild
null DW

Either Harry has lost touch with his ex-girlfriend, or he brought Julia the wrong roses. Perhaps he should seek inspiration in Sangerhausen in Saxony-Anhalt: The Europa Rosarium there contains the world's largest collection of roses. On the approximately 13-hectare site, over 8,500 different varieties grow. No surprise, given that the Rosarium was founded over a century ago. Today, visitors are astounded by the more than 60,000 sheer rose bushes.

Roses, like other plants, have been appropriated by industry and are used commercially all over the world. However, the Rosarium wishes to ensure the long-term preservation and use of rose diversity for all people. As a result, a gene bank for "the queen of flowers" has been established, but not as seeds. Living plants act as a database. The ADR roses, as they are known, could be interesting for our time traveler. German roses have been categorized, and the ADR rating is given to new varieties that are not only attractive but also maintain their health for more than three years without the use of pesticides.