Revision: adverbs of frequency
Pepe reist oft mit dem Flugzeug. Er fährt selten mit dem Bus.
The following adverbs of time indicate how often someone does something:
These adverbs usually come after the conjugated verb. If you want to give them extra emphasis, you can also use them at the start of a sentence.
Du machst immer Probleme, Nico!
Immer machst du Probleme, Nico!
Grammatical terms in German: das Adverb: An adverb describes when, where, or how something happens. It relates to another word in the sentence (e.g. a verb or an adjective) or to the whole sentence. die adverbiale Bestimmung: Adverbial phrases are parts of the sentence that give more detail about the circumstances of an action or a situation, for example about the place, time, manner or cause. Adverbial phrases can consist of one word or a group of words. |