Deine Deutschprüfung A2

Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer (DTZ)

Participants in integration courses take the DTZ. The German language test assesses how well you can communicate at the A2 and B1 levels and demonstrates your ability to successfully navigate everyday situations.

Logo BAMF/Logo g.a.s.t.

General Information

Level: A2 and B1

The DTZ is a scaled test that assesses both levels.

Target group:

  • Participants in integration and youth integration courses in Germany. 
  • There is a special version of the DTZ for young people between the ages of 16 and 27. 

Please note: Integration courses are only open to certain groups of people. In order to participate in such a course, you need a eligibility certificate or a document approving course admission. You normally receive this from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and, in certain cases, from the Job Center, the Social Welfare Office, the Foreigners' Office or the Federal Office of Administration. You can find more information and the application form on the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees website.

Among other things, recognized in Germany as proof of language proficiency to: 

  • Apply for a permanent settlement permit for persons entitled to asylum and refugees after five years of residence under certain conditions (A2) 
  • Apply for a (permanent) settlement permit (B1) 
  • Receive the "Zertifikat Integrationskurs" (integration course certificate) after completing an integration course, which in turn allows for expedited naturalization (B1). 
  • For naturalization (B1) 

You can find information at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), among other places, on whether A2 language skills may suffice in your case to apply for a settlement permit.

In order to receive a settlement permit or to undergo naturalization, in addition to the language test you must also pass the “Leben in Deutschland” (LiD) test, which assesses basic knowledge of the German political system, among other things. You prepare for the LiD in the orientation course, which is part of the integration course. You can also practice for the “Leben in Deutschland” test in the BAMF’s online test center.

Examination locations: Nationwide  

  • DTZ examination bodies: BAMF-authorized providers of integration courses (such as adult education centers or language schools) 

Exam fees:

  • The test is free for individuals who are eligible for an integration course during the duration of the course or upon course completion. 
  • There is a test fee for individuals who were admitted to an integration course without proven eligibility; test fee varies according to the DTZ examination body.


Examination structure

Type of examination: 

  • paper-based

Examination sections and duration:

Written examination:

  • Listening (25 minutes) and Reading (45 minutes)
  • Writing (30 minutes)

Oral examination:

  • Speaking (c. 15 minutes, in pairs)

The oral examination does not include preparation time. It can also be administered as a solo examination.

Accessible examinations:


Information about examination results

To pass the examination:

A2 Level: 

  • In the "Speaking" section and at least one of the written sections, "Hearing and Reading" or "Writing," approximately 35 to 44 percent of the maximum number of points must be achieved (depending on the section). 
  • All sections of the examination must be completed.

B1 Level:

  • In the "Speaking" section and at least one of the written sections, "Hearing and Reading" or "Writing," approximately 70 to 75 percent of the maximum number of points must be achieved (depending on the section). 
  • All sections of the examination must be completed.

Examination results will be provided for the individual examination sections “Speaking,” “Hearing and Reading” and “Writing.” It is possible to achieve various language proficiency levels in the different examination sections.

Receiving examination results:

  • Results will be provided after the BAMF has validated the test results, which occurs approximately two-and-a-half weeks after the examination date.

Certificate validity: unlimited

If you took the examination a few years ago, we recommend inquiring with the authority or institution where you intend to submit your examination results. Older certificates might not be accepted.

Retaking the examination::

  • You can retake the test as many times as you like.
  • Individuals who are eligible for an integration course may receive 300 additional hours of course instruction and retake the examination free of cost. It is subsequently possible to retake the test an additional number of times, but then it must be paid for. 
  • The entire test must always be retaken.


Additional provider information and practice materials 


Additional tips

The Goethe-Institut provides a list of words that you should know for the test. Various publishers also provide practice books or downloadable practice materials that can help you prepare for the DTZ. 

Information about this examination is also available in German under the menu selection “Language."

Other tools