Indirect questions with ob

Yes/no questions 

These are called yes/no questions because they can be answered with "yes" or "no." In these questions, the conjugated verb here is the first position followed by the subject.

Hilfst du mir?
Kannst du mir das übersetzen?

Indirect questions introduced with ob

An ob-clause is a subordinate clause introduced by the conjunction ob. Indirect yes/no questions can be formed with ob-clauses. Ob-clauses are object clauses that form the object of the main clause. In this case, the main clause usually cannot stand alone. As you already know from other subordinate clauses, the conjugated verb of the question "moves" to the end of the subordinate clause.

Ich möchte wissen, ob du mir hilfst.
Ich habe dich gefragt, ob du mir das übersetzen kannst.

Grammatical terms in German:

die Satzfrage: is a question that can be answered by saying "yes" or "no."

der Hauptsatz: is usually made up of at least one subject and one conjugated verb. In the main clause, the verb is in the second position.

der Nebensatz: A subordinate clause cannot normally stand alone. It is dependent on a superordinate main clause or another subordinate clause. The conjugated verb is nearly always at the very end of a subordinate clause. Many subordinate clauses are connected to the superordinate clause by certain introductory words.