Personal pronouns: Sie

Unfamiliar adults are addressed in the first instance with Sie.

This formal address is also used in different formal situations, e.g. at the doctor's or with officials.

Lisa shakes hands with a taxi driver. Nico looks in the open trunk.

Ich heiße Lisa Brunner. Und wie heißen Sie? – Ich heiße Sigi Körner.


The formal address is the same in the singular and plural:

Diagram of the singular form and an image of one person, the plural form and a picture of many people.
Singular formal address Sie heißen
Plural formal address Sie heißen


Wie heißen Sie? – Ich heiße Sigi Körner.

Wie heißen Sie? – Ich heiße Lisa Brunner, und das ist Nicolás González.

The formal address is always written with a capital letter.


Grammatical terms in German:

das Personalpronomen: Personal pronouns refer to people or things. The words ich, du and Sie are examples of personal pronouns.

der Singular: The singular is used when we are talking about one individual person or thing.

der Plural: The plural is used when we are talking about several people or things.