Deine Deutschprüfung A2

Start Deutsch 2: telc Deutsch A2

Anyone who wants to demonstrate their A2 language skills can take the Start Deutsch 2 examination offered by telc gGmbH. It is required, for instance, in certain cases to apply for a temporary residence permit.

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General Information

Level: A2

Target group: All German learners

Among other things, recognized in Germany as proof of language proficiency to

  • Apply for a (temporary) residence permit, to participate in certain measures related to employment qualification and for the subsequent recognition of foreign professional credentials
  • Apply for a work permit during these qualification measures under certain conditions
  • Apply for a (permanent) settlement permit for persons entitled to asylum and refugees after five years of residence under certain conditions

You can find information at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), among other places, on whether A2 language skills suffice in your case when applying for a residence, settlement or work permit.  

The Start Deutsch 2 certificate is also recognized in Austria and Switzerland as proof of A2 level language skills. We recommend informing yourself with the relevant authorities there.

Testing locations: Worldwide 

Exam fees:

  • Vary according to examination center


Examination structure

Type of examination: 

  • Paper-based

Examination sections and duration: 

Written examination: 

  • Listening (c. 20 minutes)
  • Reading and writing (50 minutes)

Oral examination: 

  • Speaking (15 minutes, usually in pairs)

The written examination is administered without a break.  

The oral examination does not include preparation time. It can be taken the same day as the written examination or a different day.

Accessible examinations: 


Information about examination results

To pass the examination:

  • At least 60 percent of the total possible points must be achieved.
  • All sections of the examination must be completed.

Receiving examination results:

  • Varies according to examination center
  • Typically between four to six weeks

Processing times vary around the world. Please inform yourself at the examination center where you intend to take the exam.

Certificate validity: unlimited

If you took the examination a few years ago, we recommend inquiring with the authority or institution where you intend to submit your examination results. Older certificates might not be accepted.

Retaking the examination:

  • You may retake the examination as many times as you like.
  • You must always retake the entire exam.


Additional provider information and practice materials 


Additional tips 

Thoroughly review the information available on the telc website, where you can find additional practice materials available for download that can help you prepare for the Start Deutsch 2 examination. Similar materials and books are also available from various publishers.

Information about this examination is also available in German under the menu selection “Language."

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