Opening hours

A sign displays business hours Monday to Friday from 8 until 13 and from 14:30 to 18 and Saturday from 8 to 12.
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"Oh no, the supermarket is shut!"

Most supermarkets are closed at night and on Sundays. In smaller towns, the shops may close at 6 or 7 p.m. Train stations are exceptions: there, you may be able to shop longer.

In larger cities, grocery stores may be open until 10 p.m. There are also kiosks and smaller stores that are open later, but they are usually more expensive. At restaurants, you have to check how late they serve food.

Tip: Pharmacies also close early in the evening, but there is usually one per city district that is open late. The pharmacies take turns offering this emergency service. There is usually a sign in the window of a pharmacy to say who is offering the emergency service, or you can check the internet.