Modal verbs: meaning

Summary: the meaning of the modal verbs

Modal verbs generally refer to a second verb – the main verb in the sentence. They describe a relationship between the subject and the activity expressed with the main verb. 


The following meanings are expressed using modal verbs:


können: ability/possibility

Nico kann Deutsch sprechen.

(He has learned the language and therefore has the ability to speak it.)

Nico kann bei Inge wohnen.

(It is possible for him to live with Inge.)


dürfen: permission

Emma darf eine Freundin besuchen.

(Her mother allowed her to do it.)

dürfen + negation: forbidden

Emma darf keinen Alkohol trinken.

(Her parents did not let her drink alcohol and it is illegal to drink alcohol if you are underage.)


müssen: responsibility/necessity

Emma muss die Hausaufgaben machen.

(Her teacher will punish her for not having done her homework.)

müssen + negation: not necessary

Wir müssen nicht mehr trainieren.

(We are fit enough and do not need to work out anymore.)


sollen: commands/requests

Nico soll studieren.

(His parents want him to study.)


wollen: (strong) wish or consideration

Lisa will heute Abend mit Nina ins Kino gehen.

(Lisa plans to go to the cinema with Nina.)


möchten: (politely formulated) desire

Selma möchte als Architektin arbeiten.

(She wants to work as an architect.)